Class of 2020 Commencement events to be held Sept. 17-19

Syracuse University will host a Commencement ceremony—delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic—and other celebratory events for the Class of 2020 during the weekend of Sept. 17–19.  

Commencement will be held Sept. 19 at 10 a.m. at the Stadium. This University-wide ceremony, where Syracuse University Chancellor and President Kent Syverud will formally confer degrees, is for all undergraduate, graduate and doctoral candidates. Doors open at 8 a.m.

Following Commencement, all 2020 Newhouse graduates and their families are invited to join Dean Mark J. Lodato and the faculty and staff for a celebratory reception. The event will include a dean’s welcome, recognition of participating graduates and an opportunity to reconnect with faculty. A precise time and location will be announced soon; stay tuned for details.

For more information about Commencement activities for the Class of 2020, see the event listing.

Loneliness Can Lead to Mental, Physical Health Issues: What PR Can Do

Read more about the latest episode of the “Newhouse Impact” podcast and listen to the show.

How much have the pandemic, political divisions in our communities and other factors increased isolation and depression? New research by Newhouse School graduate student Amy Barone discovers loneliness might be the key factor that leads to physical and mental health problems.

Barone, who also teaches in the writing studies, rhetoric and composition department in the College of Arts and Sciences, conducted the research as part of a project with Hua Jiang, associate dean of academic affairs at Newhouse and an associate professor of public relations. The findings could help shape public health campaigns to help people find health care. The research focused specifically on Black people and African Americans in Generation X and Gen Z.

Listen to this episode of Newhouse Impact to learn more about the research and how it might help people.

Isabelle Kelly: Bridging Healthcare, Innovation and Communication

Isabelle Kelly, a talented dual degree student at Syracuse University, is making her mark as a 2024 Weiss Center Ambassador. With a passion for public relations, finance and healthcare, Isabelle is poised to become a trailblazer in the ever-evolving landscape where these fields intersect.

Isabelle Kelly headshot

A Dynamic Duo: PR Prowess and Finance Finesse

As a Newhouse student, Isabelle is honing her skills in strategic communication, media relations and campaign management through her public relations major. Simultaneously, she is studying finance at the Martin J. Whitman School of Management, gaining expertise in financial analysis, investment strategies and business operations. This unique combination of disciplines equips Isabelle with a well-rounded understanding of both communication and financial realms.

Born to Make a Difference

Isabelle’s passion for healthcare runs deep, as she was born into a family of medical professionals. With a physician father and sisters pursuing careers as physician assistants, Isabelle recognized the vital role of healthcare accessibility and communication from a young age. When the opportunity to become a 2024 Weiss Center Ambassador arose, she saw it as a perfect alignment of her passions and aspirations.

Fresh Perspective and Engaging Strategies

As the youngest of six children, Isabelle brings a fresh perspective to her role as an ambassador. Focusing on promoting the Weiss Center to the Newhouse community, she envisions utilizing social media and word-of-mouth campaigns to keep people informed. Isabelle believes that engaging events and workshops can attract students from various disciplines, sparking conversations about the intersection of technology, healthcare and communication.

Growth and Skill Development

As a brand ambassador, Isabelle hopes to gain valuable insights into the industry and sharpen her skills in campaign and event planning. She values the opportunity to learn from experts and receive constructive feedback to enhance her abilities further, setting the stage for a successful career in the dynamic world of healthcare communication.

Mastering the Juggling Act: Prioritizing Passions and Responsibilities

Despite her busy schedule as a dual major student, Isabelle maintains balance through meticulous organization and prioritization. She acknowledges the challenges of juggling academic and extracurricular responsibilities but emphasizes the importance of finding time for personal interests and relationships. To relieve stress, Isabelle immerses herself in her passion for geography, finding curiosity in the world’s diversity and intricacies.

Grounded in Values

As Isabelle navigates her journey as the Weiss Center Ambassador, she remains grounded in her personal values and commitments. She strives to find harmony between her academic pursuits, professional aspirations and personal well-being. With her resilience, creativity and dedication, Isabelle exemplifies the qualities of a rising star in the world of healthcare communication.

Isabelle Kelly’s journey is one of passion, innovation and the desire to make a difference. As she continues to bridge the gaps between healthcare, innovation and communication, there is no doubt that she will leave a lasting impact on the industry and the lives she touches along the way.

Meet Emma Johnson

Emma is a talented and driven Newhouse student who is making waves as a 2024 Weiss Center Ambassador. With her passion for advertising, marketing and public relations, Emma is poised to become a rising star in the dynamic world of communications.

Emma Johnson sitting on a flight of stairs

A Double Threat: Advertising Major and Marketing Minor

As a student in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Emma is pursuing a major in advertising. Through her coursework, she is mastering the art of persuasive communication, creative strategy and brand management. But Emma doesn’t stop there – she has also chosen to complement her advertising major with a minor in marketing from the Martin J. Whitman School of Management. This powerful combination allows Emma to explore the fundamental principles of marketing strategy, consumer behavior and market analysis, providing her with a comprehensive understanding of both the creative and analytical aspects of the field.

Stepping Out of Her Comfort Zone

As a 2024 Weiss Center Ambassador, Emma is driven by her curiosity to explore the dynamic relationship between healthcare and advertising. She sees this opportunity as a chance to step out of her comfort zone and embrace new challenges. Emma’s goal is not just to spread awareness about the Weiss Center, but to foster meaningful connections and spark engaging conversations within the Newhouse community.

Engaging the Next Generation

Emma understands the power of social media in reaching and engaging younger audiences. By leveraging platforms like Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, she aims to raise awareness about the Weiss Center’s initiatives among her peers. Emma’s creative ideas, such as a “day in the life” series or Instagram takeovers, showcase her experiences as a college student and make the Weiss Center more relatable and accessible to her fellow students.

Creativity and Engagement

Drawing from her experience in student organizations like TNH, Emma knows how to create captivating content that drives engagement. Whether it’s producing compelling videos or tapping into the latest TikTok trends, Emma has a knack for capturing her audience’s attention. Her passion for creativity extends beyond academics, as she finds inspiration in her family, music and philanthropic endeavors.

Balancing Act

Balancing a busy schedule is no easy feat, but Emma thrives on organization and prioritization. With meticulous planning and effective time management, she successfully juggles her responsibilities while still making time for regular exercise and self-care to recharge and stay focused.

Resilience in the Face of Challenges

Like any journey, Emma has faced her fair share of challenges. From managing client expectations to handling unexpected setbacks, Emma’s resilience shines through in times of adversity. Through problem-solving and teamwork, she navigates challenges with grace and determination.

A Beacon of Positivity and Professionalism

At her core, Emma values kindness, optimism and a commitment to excellence. Whether collaborating with colleagues or interacting with clients, Emma brings positivity and professionalism to every endeavor. Her unique blend of creativity and compassion sets her apart, making her an invaluable asset to the Weiss Center and the Newhouse community. As Emma continues her journey at Syracuse University and beyond, there is no doubt that she will make a lasting impact in the world of communications. With her talent, drive and infectious positivity, Emma Johnson is a rising star to watch.

Newhouse Advisory Board

Claudia Strong

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sed semper ligula. Integer facilisis sapien diam, ut malesuada nisl tempor vitae. Sed suscipit, velit et venenatis lacinia, nulla dui condimentum lorem, vitae auctor arcu risus a tellus. Quisque sed sem sit amet diam rhoncus elementum. Maecenas vehicula enim non mauris hendrerit eleifend. Vivamus vel lorem ut risus porttitor dictum eu ac odio. Phasellus cursus malesuada sapien eu pulvinar. Vivamus sit amet velit mollis, interdum nunc sed, vehicula turpis. Aenean consectetur dapibus diam, id finibus ligula pharetra lobortis.

Vestibulum blandit est sit amet venenatis placerat. Nam sagittis quis risus non varius. Curabitur sit amet turpis venenatis, varius justo a, tincidunt dolor. Donec ornare congue velit facilisis malesuada. Pellentesque non mi auctor, aliquam augue vitae, viverra quam. Sed facilisis id eros in ultrices. Aenean malesuada nunc eget neque porta, a tempor libero lacinia. Vestibulum semper auctor rutrum. Ut tempor tempor consectetur. Vestibulum congue consequat blandit. In nibh dui, efficitur vel ligula non, consectetur egestas ipsum. Suspendisse porta eros tristique, ultrices tellus vel, ullamcorper justo. Vestibulum non mauris et erat tristique accumsan ut non enim. Sed pretium risus eget scelerisque aliquet.

Maecenas justo urna, tempus non ipsum nec, vehicula elementum metus. Nunc dui purus, convallis vel tellus id, congue faucibus arcu. Duis vitae risus sit amet orci ultrices posuere ac nec ligula. Morbi sit amet nulla id dolor imperdiet viverra a sed mi. Suspendisse vel hendrerit turpis, non feugiat ligula. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis aliquam est ut sollicitudin iaculis. Mauris facilisis molestie fermentum.

Claudia Strong

Mauris tristique orci in arcu facilisis tempus. Vestibulum ut ligula at nisi scelerisque tempus eu id mauris. Sed sed ligula sed elit aliquet egestas. Curabitur feugiat ultrices ligula vel fermentum. Aenean quis venenatis nisi. Sed sed leo mollis, rutrum turpis vel, vulputate nisi. Duis sed lacus egestas, convallis eros lobortis, aliquet orci. Quisque vitae tincidunt dolor, a aliquet orci. Maecenas tellus risus, eleifend et porttitor sed, pellentesque vitae felis. Morbi nulla arcu, dignissim non nisl eu, placerat venenatis massa. Curabitur volutpat odio vitae libero tempus, sit amet ullamcorper mi blandit. Praesent accumsan laoreet diam nec hendrerit. Praesent efficitur sollicitudin orci. Nullam mattis ipsum ut molestie laoreet.

Bruce Strong

Quisque vitae tincidunt dolor, a aliquet orci. Maecenas tellus risus, eleifend et porttitor sed, pellentesque vitae felis. Morbi nulla arcu, dignissim non nisl eu, placerat venenatis massa. Curabitur volutpat odio vitae libero tempus, sit amet ullamcorper mi blandit. Praesent accumsan laoreet diam nec hendrerit. Praesent efficitur sollicitudin orci. Nullam mattis ipsum ut molestie laoreet.

Class Notes

Class notes go here.

Adapting to AI

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A Fresh Look

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Supporting Students

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Newhouse Coast to Coast

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Hitting the Trail